Grenade launchers

  • 30 mm mounted automatic grenade launcher The 30mm AGS-17 mounted automatic grenade launcher is designed to engage enemy manpower and fire weapons located outside the shelters, in open trenches and behind natural terrain features (in gullies, ravines, on reverse slopes of hills). The AGS-17 fires the 30mm VOG-17M and VOG-30 with fragmentation grenades fitted with a nose instantaneous fuze, which operates on target impact. The grenade launcher is fitted with a 2.7x magnification PAG-17 optical sight.
  • 30 mm automatic grenade launcher system The 30mm AGS-30 automatic grenade launcher system is designed to engage enemy manpower and soft-skinned equipment, located in the open and in trenches, behind natural terrain features and on reverse slopes of the terrain, with fragmentation grenades. It is a lightweight, compact, maneuverable and effective weapon. Its small dimensions ensure concealment and quick changes of the firing position, and also firing out of window openings. Owing to its large horizontal arc of fire, fire can be shifted to a pop-up target.
  • 40 mm GP-34 underbarrel anti-personnel grenade launcher The 40mm GP-34 underbarrel anti-personnel grenade launcher is designed to engage enemy manpower located in the open, in trenches and on reverse slopes of the terrain. The grenade launcher is used while attached to Kalashnikov and Nikonov assault rifles. The grenade launcher is loaded from the muzzle. The grenade launcher can deliver both flat and high angle fire. The grenade launcher fires the following ammunition:
    • VOG-25M round with 40mm fragmentation grenade;
    • VOG-25P round with 40mm fragmentation grenade;
    • VOG-25PM round from 40mm “jumping” fragmentation grenade.
  • 30mm round with enhanced lethality HE grenade for AGS-17 and AGS-30 automatic grenade launchers The VOG-30 and GPD-30 rounds with fragmentation grenade are designed to engage enemy manpower and fire weapons located in the open. Inert rounds are used for personnel training.
  • Fragmentation round The OG-7V fragmentation round is designed to suppress enemy manpower wearing body armor located in the open, in field shelters and buildings, as well as to engage soft-skinned vehicles. When detonated, its warhead produces a highly effective fragmentation field with the optimal weight of fragments.
  • Round The PG-29V round is designed to destroy all types of tanks, including those fitted with explosive reactive armor, and other armored and soft-skinned vehicles, neutralize weapon emplacements and manpower in field shelters, buildings made of brick and reinforced concrete and in log-and-earth shelters.
  • Round with anti-tank grenade The PG-7VL anti-tank round is designed to destroy current tanks, other armored and soft-skinned vehicles, engage weapon emplacements and manpower in buildings and structures made of brick, reinforced concrete and in log-and-earth shelters.
  • Round The PG-7VR anti-tank round is designed to destroy all types of tanks, including those fitted with explosive reactive armor, other armored and soft-skinned vehicles, engage manpower in buildings and structures.
  • Multipurpose rocket grenade with single-shot grenade launcher (7P46) The RMG multipurpose rocket grenade with single-shot grenade launcher is effective against crews and personnel of light armored vehicles as well as personnel in the open, inside urban buildings, field fortifications and pillboxes.
  • Anti-tank rocket grenade with disposable grenade launcher The RPG-26 anti-tank rocket grenade is designed to destroy tanks and other armored and soft-skinned vehicles, neutralize weapon emplacements and manpower in field shelters, buildings made of brick and reinforced concrete and in log-and-earth shelters.
  • Anti-tank rocket grenade with disposable grenade launcher The RPG-27 anti-tank rocket grenade is designed to destroy all types of tanks, including those fitted with explosive reactive armor, and other armored and soft-skinned vehicles, neutralize weapon emplacements and manpower in field shelters, buildings made of brick and reinforced concrete and in log-and-earth shelters.
  • Portable anti-tank grenade launchers The RPG-29 and RPG-29N portable anti-tank grenade launchers are designed for firing the PG-29V round and its version fitted with inert warhead. They are reusable grenade launchers (300 shots). The RPG-29 is fitted with iron and optical sights, the RPG-29N – with iron, optical and night sights.
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