Aerospace Systems

  • Multirole fighter   Mission The Su-30MK2 multirole fighter is designed to destroy air, ground and surface targets using guided and unguided aerial weapons on solo and group missions in any weather, day or night, as well as to conduct combat air patrol and escort missions. In addition, the aircraft facilitates in-flight pilot training in flying, navigation and aerial weapon employment techniques. The fighter is capable of handling the following missions: gaining air superiority, battlefield air interdiction, escort of strike aircraft, disruption of airlift operations, air support, combat air patrol, controlling a group of aircraft being outside the radar field or when the field is disturbed and transmitting the targeting data to airborne, ground and shipborne control points, air reconnaissance.
  • Fighter-bomber   Mission The Su-32 fighter-bomber is a two-seat multifunctional aircraft designed for all-weather and round-the-clock engagement of ground and surface targets at considerable distances from home bases using precision-guided weapons as well as air targets in an intense enemy counter-fire and ECM environment. The Su-32 is capable of effectively accomplishing the following combat tasks: high precision strikes against air, air defense, ground and sea targets, destruction of military-economic, military and government installations, air target interception, air reconnaissance and electronic warfare.
  • Multirole supermaneuverable fighter Mission The Su-35 multirole supermaneuverable fighter is designed to gain air superiority and destroy air, ground and surface targets at considerable distances from home bases, in an intense enemy ECM and counter-fire environment, in any weather, day or night. The Su-35 is capable of effectively accomplishing the following missions: protection the country's airspace through long patrols at considerable distances from the home base; repelling enemy air attacks and protection of installations from air attacks; striking against air, ground, air defense and sea targets, vital government and military administration, logistics and communications facilities, as well as battlefield air interdiction and aerial reconnaissance.
  • Radiotelescope (RT 64)   The multipurpose microwave band radiotelescope, 64 meters in diameter, is intended for:
    • fundamental astrophysical researches;
    • reception of information signals from spacecraft from deep space;
    • control of spacecraft in deep space.
  • Mobile optoelectronic station   The Veresk mobile optoelectronic station is designed to measure trajectories of target aircraft helicopters, missiles and projectiles, to process the results of these measurements and send them together with video images to users in real time, as well as to automatically track the air objects whose trajectories are being measured. The Veresk mobile optoelectronic station is one of the measuring tools used at firing ranges. Its main uses include testing of new weapons and evaluation of the results of live firing exercises held by the Armed Forces.
  • Training (combat-training) aircraft   Mission The Yak-130 training (combat-training) aircraft is intended for flight and operational training of flying personnel as well as for performing combat missions. The aircraft is used to develop and improve pilot skills needed to fly, navigate and employ current and advanced combat aircraft. The Yak-130 can be effective as a light attack aircraft in engaging air and ground (surface) targets.
  • Reserve parachute system   The reserve parachute systems are the effective means of paratrooper rescue in the emergency situation.
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