Aerospace Systems

  • Anti-radiation missile   The Kh-31P medium-range supersonic anti-radiation missile is designed to counter enemy air defenses and has a high supersonic speed through the use of a scramjet with a built-in booster. The Kh-31A anti-ship missile with an active radar seeker, derived from the Kh-31P, is capable of penetrating cohesive and layered air defense of a large group of ships. It can be carried by MiG-29K, MiG-29M, MiG-29SMT, MiG-29UBT, MiG-31, Su-24M, Su-25T, Su-30MK, and Su-35 aircraft. The missiles employ mid-course radar guidance and terminal homing. The Kh-31A is equipped with the ARGSN-31 jam-resistant active radar guidance system capable of discriminating the target from a dense homogenous group. The Kh-31P uses a passive radar guidance system capable of operating in a broad band of frequencies. Its seeker can operate in several homing modes, including automatic search and external control modes. If irradiated by an enemy radar, the missile can perform an evasive 10-g pull-up maneuver. Warhead type: penetrating, armor-piercing. Aircraft carrier’s radars like the Zhuk, Kopio and others are used for target detection. The missiles are transported and stored in sealed containers.
  • Tactical anti-ship missile   The Kh-35UE tactical anti-ship missile is an advanced version of the Kh-35E air-launched anti-ship missile. The missile features improved performance: twice the maximum range (260 km); the maximum missile turn angle in the horizontal plane after launch of 130º (against 90º for the Kh-35E); twice the maximum firing altitude (10 km against 5 km). A combined guidance system using an inertial system, satellite navigation and active-passive radar seeker gives the Kh-35UE better accuracy and higher jamming immunity, as well as a wider range of targets, including in an ECM environment. The new seeker has a lock-on range of 50 km (compared with 20 km for the Kh-35E). The guidance system: inertial + satellite navigation + active-passive radar seeker. The Kh-35UE has the same dimensions as the Kh-35E.
  • Short-range guided modular missiles   The Kh-38MAE, Kh-38MKE, Kh-38MLE, Kh-38MTE short-range air-to-surface guided modular missiles are designed to engage a wide range of armored, reinforced and soft ground single and group targets. The Kh-38ME type missiles are a general-purpose modular weapon used over the battlefield or in immediate tactical depth. The modularity provides high combat effectiveness against a wide range of targets through using a variety of types of warheads and guidance systems:
    • Kh-38MAE – inertial + active radar;
    • Kh-38MKE – inertial + satellite navigation;
    • Kh-38MLE – inertial + semi-active laser;
    • Kh-38MTE – inertial + thermal imaging.
  • Short-range guided modular missiles   The Kh-38MAE, Kh-38MKE, Kh-38MLE, Kh-38MTE short-range air-to-surface guided modular missiles are designed to engage a wide range of armored, reinforced and soft ground single and group targets. The Kh-38ME type missiles are a general-purpose modular weapon used over the battlefield or in immediate tactical depth. The modularity provides high combat effectiveness against a wide range of targets through using a variety of types of warheads and guidance systems:
    • Kh-38MAE – inertial + active radar;
    • Kh-38MKE – inertial + satellite navigation;
    • Kh-38MLE – inertial + semi-active laser;
    • Kh-38MTE – inertial + thermal imaging.
  • Short-range guided modular missiles   he Kh-38MAE, Kh-38MKE, Kh-38MLE, Kh-38MTE short-range air-to-surface guided modular missiles are designed to engage a wide range of armored, reinforced and soft ground single and group targets. The Kh-38ME type missiles are a general-purpose modular weapon used over the battlefield or in immediate tactical depth. The modularity provides high combat effectiveness against a wide range of targets through using a variety of types of warheads and guidance systems:
    • Kh-38MAE – inertial + active radar;
    • Kh-38MKE – inertial + satellite navigation;
    • Kh-38MLE – inertial + semi-active laser;
    • Kh-38MTE – inertial + thermal imaging.
  • Short-range guided modular missiles   The Kh-38MAE, Kh-38MKE, Kh-38MLE, Kh-38MTE short-range air-to-surface guided modular missiles are designed to engage a wide range of armored, reinforced and soft ground single and group targets. The Kh-38ME type missiles are a general-purpose modular weapon used over the battlefield or in immediate tactical depth. The modularity provides high combat effectiveness against a wide range of targets through using a variety of types of warheads and guidance systems:
    • Kh-38MAE – inertial + active radar;
    • Kh-38MKE – inertial + satellite navigation;
    • Kh-38MLE – inertial + semi-active laser;
    • Kh-38MTE – inertial + thermal imaging.
  • Extended-range air-to-surface missile   The Kh-58UShKE anti-radiation missile with a broadband (combined A/A'/B/B'/C frequency band) passive radar seeker and a navigation and automatic control system based on a strapdown navigation system is designed to destroy ground radar stations operating in pulse emission mode in the carrier frequency range of 1.2-11 GHz and in continuous A-band emission mode. Typical targets for Kh-58UShKE missiles are radars of the Hawk, Nike Hercules, Patriot and other SAM systems. The Kh-58UShKE can be used both from external stations of modern aircraft equipped with an AKU-58 type aircraft catapult launcher and internal stations (from a UVKU-50 type catapult launcher). Compared with the Kh-58E, the new missile version has an extended maximum firing range. The Kh-58UShKE missile is designed to equip MiG-35, Su-30MK, Su-32, Su-35 type aircraft. The carrier aircraft must be fitted with a targeting system and fitted with an AKU-58 type catapult launcher. The Kh-58UShKE missile can also be used by advanced multi-role aircraft in internal configuration (from a UVKU-50 type catapult launcher). The missiles can be used against both preset radar targets and those detected promptly by the carrier aircraft’s acquisition system.
  • Extended-range air-to-surface missile   The Kh-59MK extended-range air-to-surface missile with an active radar seeker is a version of the Kh-59M TV-guided air-launched missile and is designed to engage radar-contrast surface targets (with RCS ≥ 300 m²) in tactical and immediate operational depth, ranging from boats to cruisers, from the Su-30MK type carrier aircraft. Replacing the booster for a fuel tank has increased the range from 115 to 285 km. The Kh-59MK missile can be used day or night, in adverse weather conditions, at Sea State up to 6, both on the high seas and near the coastline. The Kh-59MK missile is designed to equip the following types of aircraft: MiG-35, Su-30MK, Su-32, Su-35, Su-24M.
  • Guided missile   The Kh-59MK2 air-to-surface guided missile is a version of the Kh-59MK missile and is designed to engage a wide range of fixed ground targets with known coordinates in tactical and immediate operational depth (within 285 km), including those having no radar, infrared and optical contrast relative to the surrounding background. The low-altitude flight path of the missile to the target is specified in the flight mission. One or several flight missions can be entered into the missile’s control system to enable the missile assignment to different targets. The Kh-59MK2 carries a correlation-optical seeker providing autonomous recognition of the terrain area adjacent to the target. Its navigation system is based on a strapdown Inertial navigation system unit with a satellite updating unit. The missile can be employed at any time of year, at terrain illumination of 0.003 lx to 30,000 lx, over any type of terrain (given the optical contrast in the correction and terminal guidance zone exceeds 10%). The Kh-59MK2 is designed for used on the following types of aircraft: MiG-35, Su-30MK, Su-32, Su-35, Su-24M.
  • Mobile antenna system   The MAS-3 mobile antenna system is designed to receive radiotelemetry information and operate with receiving-recording stations based on air- and spacecraft.
  • Military/transport helicopter   Mission and primary tasks The Mi-171Sh military/transport helicopter is designed to transport personnel, cargo and equipment inside the cargo cabin or on an external sling, drop tactical air assault forces and reconnaissance and sabotage groups, destroy ground targets and carry the wounded. Additional versions of the helicopter are available: search & rescue, fire-fighting, ambulance, corporate.
  • Military/transport helicopter   Mission and primary tasks The Mi-17V-5 military/transport helicopter is designed to carry personnel, cargo and equipment inside the cargo cabin or on an external sling, drop tactical air assault forces and reconnaissance and sabotage groups, destroy ground targets and carry the wounded. Additional versions of the helicopter are available: search & rescue, fire-fighting, ambulance, and corporate.
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