Aerospace Systems

  • Aerial target drone system   The Dan aerial target drone system is designed to imitate remote-controlled aircraft, cruise missiles and subsonic tactical aircraft during combat training and testing of air defense missile, small-arms and artillery systems as well as fighter aircraft weapon systems.
  • Launch vehicle   The Dnepr lightweight launch vehicle (LV) is based on the RS-20 (NATO designation: SS-18, Satan) silo-launched ICBM. The LV offers high performance, accuracy of orbital injection and flight reliability. It can liftoff from launch pads currently operational at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The LV is fueled by hypergolic propellant components: unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine as fuel, and nitrogen tetroxide as oxidizer. The LV includes the first, second and the adapter of the first and second stages, and the nose cone complete with adapter. All components of the configuration, except for the nose cone adapter, have been borrowed unchanged from the original RS-20 ICBM. Payload is mounted in the body of the upper stage on a newly designed spacer pad. The LV launches in a mortar mode from its standart launch canister, with the power unit of the first stage ignited upon release of the LV from the canister. The LV is ability to maintain launch readiness for an unlimited period of time that may be restricted solely by the requirements of the integrated payload.
  • High-explosive bomb   The FAB-500 M-62 high-explosive bomb is designed to destroy military industrial facilities, railway junctions, light armored and soft-skin targets, manpower, military field fortifications
  • Military transport aircraft   Mission and main tasks The IL-76MD-90A military transport aircraft is designed to airlift troops, cargo, military equipment and weapons, as well as conduct air dropping and air landing of personnel, cargo, military equipment and weapons. The IL-76MD-90A is capable of effectively transporting personnel and cargo, including large-sized ones, and military equipment, airdropping personnel, cargo and military equipment, delivering ammunition, food, fuel, evacuating the wounded and sick people, as well as suppressing and isolating fires. The aircraft takes off and lands on concrete and unpaved runways. The IL-76MD-90A can be converted into ambulance or fire-fighting versions.
  • Tanker aircraft   Mission and main tasks The IL-78MK-90 tanker aircraft is designed to provide aerial refueling of various types of aircraft and refueling of aircraft on the ground. Aerial refueling is done through three refueling points within visual range and given safe contact with a fuel-receiving aircraft. The IL-78MK-90 can take off and land on concrete and unpaved runways. The IL-78MK-90 can be converted into transport, ambulance or fire-fighting versions in the field.
  • Light multipurpose helicopter   Mission and primary tasks The Ka-226 light multipurpose helicopter is designed to carry out aerial reconnaissance, rescue operations, patrol, transport cargo and passengers, and evacuate the sick and the wounded. The baseline helicopter can accommodate a variety of modules with special equipment. The helicopter can be converted into one of the following versions: patrol; rescue; police; medical; transport/freight; passenger; corporate.
  • Day/night light multipurpose helicopter   Mission and primary tasks The Ka-226T day/night light multipurpose helicopter is designed to conduct aerial reconnaissance and targeting, patrol, drop small reconnaissance and sabotage groups, transport cargo and passengers, and evacuate the wounded. The baseline helicopter can accommodate a variety of modules with special equipment. The helicopter can be converted into one of the following versions: patrol; search & rescue; medical; transport/freight; passenger; corporate.
  • Radar picket helicopter   Mission and primary tasks The Ka-31 radar picket helicopter is designed to detect both air targets, including low-flying ones against background of sea and land, as well as surface ships, track and identify them, as well as provide automatic data transmission to ground and ship-based command and control centers. The helicopter significantly increases the effectiveness naval and air operations, providing ships and aircraft with timely information on the activities of enemy ships, planes and helicopters.
  • Multipurpose helicopter   Mission and primary tasks The Ka-32 multipurpose helicopter is designed to conduct air surveillance and search & rescue operations over land and sea, transport people and cargo, evacuate the sick and the wounded, fight fires, and carry out erection and loading/ unloading operations.
  • Scout/attack helicopter   Mission and primary tasks The Ka-52 scout/attack helicopter is designed to destroy enemy tanks, armored and unarmored combat materiel, manpower, low-speed air targets in any weather, day or night, as well as provide reconnaissance and target designation for interacting helicopters and command centers of army units.
  • Multipurpose helicopter   Mission and primary tasks The Ka-62 multipurpose helicopter is designed to carry passengers and cargo in its transport cabin or large cargo on an external sling, as well as perform special tasks in the interests of different customers. The helicopter can be used in various versions: search & rescue, patrol, medical, training, passenger/cargo, VIP.
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