Aerospace Systems

  • The RD-33 aircraft engine is a two-shaft turbofan engine comprising 11 modules. The engine consists of the following main parts: a 4-stage low-pressure compressor, 9-stage high-pressure compressor, annular ramjet combustor, high and low pressure turbines, supersonic variable-area nozzle and afterburner, accessory gear box, and an engine starting and control system. The engine is equipped with failure detection systems, compressor speed governor and LP turbine exit temperature limiter, surge, ice and fire detectors. In terms of the key indicators characterizing engine efficiency (thrust-rise rate with Mach number, engine weight-to-power ratio, etc), the RD-33 is among the best engines in its class. It provides rapid acceleration from idle to thrust maximum non-afterburning and afterburning settings. The RD-33 is used in a wide range of altitudes and speeds, provides stable operation under extreme conditions. Owing to its high stall margin in the presence of external disturbances (caused by weapon use, among others), the engine does not impose restrictions on piloting the aircraft, including with combat load. The modular design of the engine enables its reconditioning in the field by replacing large blocks, followed by a local repair of a unit and trouble clearing (including compressor blade replacement). The RD-33N engine versions with bottom-mounted accessory gear box have been developed for installation on foreign fighters. For a family of the MiG-35, MiG-29M/M2 multifunctional frontline fighters and MiG-29K/KUB shipborne aircraft, a new version, the RD-33MK, is available which differs from the baseline RD-33 in increased thrust and longer assigned service life, an additional contingency takeoff power setting, and improved corrosion protection of parts and components. An engine version with thrust vector control is available. The new versions of the RD-33 engines are equipped with a digital automatic control and monitoring system, as well as a power unit for aircraft accessories with dual-redundant main accessories. For engine ground service, an automated diagnostic system (based on a laptop PC) is available that makes it possible to quickly evaluate the technical condition of the engines.
  • Aircraft engine and its modifications   The RD-33 aircraft engine is a two-shaft turbofan engine comprising 11 modules. The engine consists of the following main parts: a 4-stage low-pressure compressor, 9-stage high-pressure compressor, annular ramjet combustor, high and low pressure turbines, supersonic variable-area nozzle and afterburner, accessory gear box, and an engine starting and control system. The engine is equipped with failure detection systems, compressor speed governor and LP turbine exit temperature limiter, surge, ice and fire detectors. In terms of the key indicators characterizing engine efficiency (thrust-rise rate with Mach number, engine weight-to-power ratio, etc), the RD-33 is among the best engines in its class. It provides rapid acceleration from idle to thrust maximum non-afterburning and afterburning settings. The RD-33 is used in a wide range of altitudes and speeds, provides stable operation under extreme conditions. Owing to its high stall margin in the presence of external disturbances (caused by weapon use, among others), the engine does not impose restrictions on piloting the aircraft, including with combat load. The modular design of the engine enables its reconditioning in the field by replacing large blocks, followed by a local repair of a unit and trouble clearing (including compressor blade replacement). The RD-33N engine versions with bottom-mounted accessory gear box have been developed for installation on foreign fighters. For a family of the MiG-35, MiG-29M/M2 multifunctional frontline fighters and MiG-29K/KUB shipborne aircraft, a new version, the RD-33MK, is available which differs from the baseline RD-33 in increased thrust and longer assigned service life, an additional contingency takeoff power setting, and improved corrosion protection of parts and components. An engine version with thrust vector control is available. The new versions of the RD-33 engines are equipped with a digital automatic control and monitoring system, as well as a power unit for aircraft accessories with dual-redundant main accessories. For engine ground service, an automated diagnostic system (based on a laptop PC) is available that makes it possible to quickly evaluate the technical condition of the engines.
  • Turbofan aircraft engine   The AL-41F-1S (article 117S) aircraft engine is a modular two-shaft turbofan engine with thrust vector control and integrated digital control. The engine is installed on Su-35-type aircraft. As for geometry and attachment points on the aircraft, the 117S engine conforms to its predecessors, the AL-31F and AL-31FP engines. This makes it possible to use the 117S engine for upgrading the entire fleet of previously built Su-27-/Su-30-type aircraft, with minor engine nacelle and equipment modifications. Engine performance enhancement has been achieved through the use of a new low-pressure compressor with increased air flow and efficiency and a new turbine with an improved blade cooling system.
  • Aircraft engine and its modifications   The AL-31F aircraft engine is a modular two-shaft turbofan engine consisting of the following main parts: a gas generator (comprising low- and high-pressure compressors and turbines), an annular combustor, an afterburner and a nozzle, an accessory gear box and a control system. The compressor portion includes a 4-stage low-pressure module (with adjustable air flow) and a 9-stage high-pressure module. The engine uses a two-stage (HP and LP) turbine with adjustable radial clearance due to thermal expansion. It employs an annular combustor and a supersonic variable-area nozzle. The AL-31FP version incorporates a thrust vectoring nozzle. Modernization of the engine included the installation of a FADEC-type digital control system, which provides improved acceleration capability and efficiency (an analog hydro-mechanical system was used previously). The modular design of the engine, together with the original design solutions, ensures its easy operation and the replacement of damaged components and parts in the field. The engine provides a high stall margin and can be used over a wide range of flight altitudes and speeds, operates under deep air intake surge conditions, including in spin flight, and also provides a unique maneuverability of the aircraft (performance of the Tailslide, Cobra and other maneuvers). The AL-31F is installed on the Su-27 fighters and its versions, Su-33 shipborne fighters, Su-30MKK, Su-30MK2 multirole two-seat fighters and Su-34 front-line bombers. he AL-31FN with a bottom-mounted accessory gear box is used to power single-engine fighters (Chinese J-10A fighters). The AL-31FP version with thrust vector control is installed on Su-30MKI-type aircraft.
  • Aircraft engine   The two-shaft turbofan aircraft engine consists of a two-stage low-pressure compressor manufactured using "blisk" technology (the blades are made integral with disk), an 8-stage high-pressure compressor, an annular combustion chamber, a single-stage LP turbine and a single-stage HP turbine, and a nozzle. The engine has a bottom-mounted accessory gear box. The engine is designed to power the Yak-130 training aircraft.
  • New-generation transport aircraft   The ATLANT new-generation transport aircraft is an all-new combined aerial vehicle combining the best qualities of the airship with some elements of airplane, helicopter and hovercraft.
  • New-generation transport aircraft   The ATLANT new-generation transport aircraft is an all-new combined aerial vehicle combining the best qualities of the airship with some elements of airplane, helicopter and hovercraft.
  • Airship   he Au-30 airship is designed for long-duration flights, including at low altitude and low speed. The main applications of the Au-30 are all types of patrols, special monitoring of overhead power lines and pipelines, photo and video shooting, rescue operations, as well as elite tourism. The Au-30 airship has been designed on the basis of previous development efforts and the latest achievements in airship engineering. Its design incorporates the basic concepts of today’s airship engineering – vertical and short-run takeoff and landing capability, no helium consumption flight, thrust vectoring in the vertical plane and the application of advanced materials and onboard equipment. The envelope is made of a modern fabric-film material. The fore and aft ballonets are used to maintain positive pressure in the envelope and static balancing of the vehicle. The cruciform tail configuration, located in the aft of the airship hull, was selected for the Au-30 airship. A nacelle is attached to the envelope using a rigid supernacelle extension and a system of internal catenary rings. The nacelle is a load-bearing structure consisting of four functional modules: cockpit, cargo/passenger cabin, utility module, and service and technical compartment. Power units are mounted externally on the left and right sides of the nacelle and a self-orienting landing gear leg is fastened to its underside. The cockpit is at the front of the nacelle, is designed for a two-man crew and provides excellent view. Electronic and electrical equipment units are mainly located under the cabin floor and can be accessed both from outside through outer hatches and from the cabin through hatches in the floor. Behind the cockpit there is a cargo/passenger cabin, which has a constant cross-section and a flat floor which provides ample opportunities for accommodation of passengers, cargo or special equipment. On the port side of the nacelle is a wide door, whose bottom flap in the open position serves as a ladder. A food preparation block is located on the starboard side and a hygienic unit with toilet and wash basin is in the aft on the port side. The technical compartment of the nacelle accommodates fuel and oil tanks of the powerplant, ballast tanks and air and gas system components.
  • Parachute systems for recovery and landing of manned and unmanned space vehicles   The Parachute systems for recovery and landing of manned space vehicles type Vostok, Voschod, Soyuz, for recovery of boosters of rocket launchers Energia, Arian-5 and other space systems provide compactness, high reliability and possibility of limiting of maximum overload.
  • Reserve parachute system   The reserve parachute systems are the effective means of paratrooper rescue in the emergency situation.
  • Brake landing parachute systems   The brake landing parachute systems:
    • reduce the length of aircraft landing run in 1.5 - 2 times;
    • are reliably deployed;
    • are simple in operation;
    • have longterm total service life.
    Problems, solved on the stage of development of the brake landing parachute systems:
    • installation and deployment of parachute system at any variant of its mounting on the aircraft;
    • parachute system stable operation in aircraft wake;
    • reduced period of time of parachute system preparation for application;
    • increase of total service life of the parachute system.
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